Aug 22, 2009

CN and CL had their constipation

Yesterday do part-time work again..until 3 a.m......ZZZ..

This morning, around 10+, got 1 extremely annoying " wu ying*", which is wen han.... *fly
It was like this :

WH: Hello, cheehoe ahh
Me: Yea, speaking... *blurred status*
WH: is Keegan there....?
Me: How come Keegan is here? *wondering status*
WH: U all aren't not the temple yet?
Me: Ey, pls la, now's only 10++ *feel like slapping him*
WH: ohh ok, bye....

and i was still sleeping due to the part-time work

Then me n keegan reach the temple 12.30....
We call CN at 12.45 and she reach at 1.15 even the temple is a stone away from her house...
Guess wad....She had her constipation... and Cl gad it too...=)

Danly and Li Yin was there too

We have a meeting about future monthS
So, skip skip skip

And time to go back...=)

Nth much to say....So see yea...

HAPPY HOLIDAY to everyone


Very special to N&L-Nice trip in Sabah....I want quiksilver-wear as the souvenir...But don't go to cheap street and buy....=P