Aug 31, 2009


Having tag here
Here go the tag

20 statement
First 10 is the true statements and the another 10 is false statements

10 true statements....

  1. I love turquoise...Nice colour
  2. I have very bad temper...But I can't angry some1 more than 30 minutes....
  3. Trying to get higher position is Saujana Librarian Board...Can't deny, for future...
  4. Afraid of cockroaches...They are disgusting when they die....
  5. Totally addicted on Taylor Swift, Raymond Lam, And Linda Chong
  6. Love dogs.....Don't know why there are people leave dog alone or even torture them...
  7. Love to sleep....Don't know why alarm clock invented...
  8. Support TVB drama....
  9. Enjoy Final Fantasy alot....No matter wad version
  10. Enjoy my relation between me, my friends and my family
10 false statements....
  1. I'm a math-genius....
  2. I hate science...they sucks....
  3. I love rock song....
  4. I'm a person who think and do logically....
  5. I'm daring.....0% timid...
  6. I lost my virginity ....
  7. i hate quiksilver and billabong products
  8. I hate all my clssmate except for CKW....
  9. I plan to resign in Saujan Librarian Board
  10. I'm a girl....
And..I'm Tagging
  1. QiErn
  2. Keegan
  3. SookYii
  4. CharNie
  5. CharLie
  6. WeeJien
  7. KuanYew
  8. Jacklyn
  9. Karen
  10. ChengMun