Sep 26, 2009

Last Night in Mok's House.....

Huu..Today is my last night in Mok's House.....
Is a unforgotten moment.....
Maybe we argue or we ngu song each other....
But, I apreciate this friend...
He did alot of good thing and help me alot in this two weeks...
It's fun being his friend...

Ok...Today...Me and Mok went to PeiZi's house for BBQ party....
Which is for XXX reason...(I also Dunno)
I don't eat much there....But it's full for me cause we chat alot of stuf....About our primary and F1 life...>About speaking problem =X.....And also about weight....=xxxx.x

The few i know there is only Darren, Ben, PeiZi, and Mok.....

Later while.....I can recognize PeiZi's Sis...>Pei Yi and > Pei Xi
It's a fun day...and i also know some1 name XXX and his nickname is Tap CHo Che "RideWrongCar"..>And Mok change it To TapChoFeiGei "Ride wrong plane".....

It's a fun day anyway....=)