Hi yea...everyone
There are also nothing special for today post...But at least AJK TH have a "dominoes feast"...I'll say it from the start to the end...
I may start my post at 8....
Today...I have math in my class and guess wad I saw...WTH...Weng Jun join Keegan to do math homework..LoL..I bet u won't angry if u saw this..Jun..Then I also join cause they two are really smart in math....Thkq to Jun, Keegan, LWH and Wei Shen..I get alot of thing from then for math...
Then...Cik Lim din enter class today..She got urusan but she still giv us work....Sad? Aiks...This is student life...And before this...I remember that MCL come and tell me this:"YaY..Tomorrow is the day..I can't wait for it"..LoL? Ohh yea...In the period without teacher....Me n my friend wore off LWH's pants...The zip and the pin...OmG right?HaHa..This is my class la...But too bad..His pants didn't fall..><
Kring....Recess time...I plan to go to Lib as usual but SY say she want to go canteen for ice-cream...Ok loh..Teman aje...We we reach there...SY go n buy ice-cream but i rather to buy fries cause there are no more choco n mint...Good combination ;D
N guess wad happen...SY drops her Vanila ice-cream onto the drain....Yesterday she did that too and is the same type of ice-cream...That's y she call it as the curse of vanilla..Ohh then she buy fries and she drop two pieces of them ><
Nth happen all the way....Till last two period....Which is Geo..WoW...Jun do geo homework weh....Me, Keegan and LWH join him for dicussion...But in few minutes...Alot off people join us...Maybe Jun is too famous!
Time for the " Dominoes-feast"....We go and wait at the main hall...15 minutes past...30 minutes past...Teacher is not here yet...Then the 3, which is me, sy and ern decided to buy ice-cream...YaY..Got choco and mint..And SY bought choco, ernie bought mint and I bought chocomint....So, this is the theory....
Then we go to library and walk here and there...Then when we get out of the Library....We saw Jacklyn was downstair with the pizza and she said it arrived..The3 xiao n scream like someone saw ghost *I wonder why I scream *_* wink *....
1stly..teacher explained to us about the second assignment for the SLAP...Then we go a joyfull photo....I rmb that Karen was pinched at the last photo...Then we too have devide to group with 4 ppl...The3 sure in 1 grop and we campur Zhen Meng....I forgot the name of the pizza that we ate...then i get 3 cups of sarsi..=)....Ahh..It's time for cleaning...I'm the one who clean..It's very obvious....><"...Before throwing the rubbish...Daphne want to take photo with me..weirdo? But I still take with her...=)......Then while the journey to the school rubbish "station"....Me and CN saw SY mom and we ask Jam to call SY...Jam din call her but waving to us..I felt like cekik him that waste me salia for shouting from the distance...LoL..I know is a far distance, That's y i din cekik him....
So..I saw DZ yea..We teman CN to wait for her mom....And Jam join us...I trodueced them to each other.....And we go back when everyone went back..Obviously we'll chat on the journey...
When I on my comp...DZ send me a msn msg...OmG...His house kena rob... Dz...Bless you...from my heart..>=)...
Day ends here...
Jul 31, 2009
My fate is to be a cleaner?
Posted by Calv at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Jul 30, 2009
Everything is falling down..Falling down...Falling down...
Today's blog is not folow by the order sequences....So sorry
I remember that today TF din wear his belt....N smart SY go n pull down his pants....And...Ekkhmm...I'm so sad that I'm not there....><....* 1st falling down*
Then, The smart SY go and buy ice cream at the canteen when recess....The the * 2nd falling down* happen here....SY drops her ice cream...=.=...Luckily nobody kena and the person giv SY 1 free 1....><
I can't wait for MCL party anyway...But I can't guarantee that whether I can go or not! Sad....
And finally I know that she don't ahem me....Thkq for advising me, CL .....Thkq for helping me, Pei Zi....Maybe is sad but i feel like i'm free now and not tighten....Phew... >;D
Posted by Calv at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Jul 29, 2009
Not really much things to post for today...Emm...Only my class KH, PSK, and Bm teacher din come..My xiao ady.....Ohh, there are a new clan in my class-Mich Was Here @.@
After School..Me, N&L, BS, Romeo, Chi Yan and Tim go makan at ajimal...And something happen..But dont need to care about it now....
Ohh..We go playground after lunch....Becca and Chi Yan built a bird camp....BS found 2 long stick....Me and Cn found a residence dog and we rebut for the name...She say chocolate I said Cappu....
CL..Cheer yea =)
Posted by Calv at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Jul 25, 2009
Tiringness'll always follow me..........
Huuhhhhh~~Honestly...I use my last 10% energy to write this post.....So, don't blame on me if it's not in detail.......
WoW~My alarm had rang....i look to my phone..HuH? 4.30 a.m.? Muz i wake up now? Can I FFG Karen? Wad will Karen do if I FFG? Alot of scary scene flash on my sight.......Tfore, I straight wake up and go for a shower.....After the bath, and clothes changing....It was like 5.00 a.m! Doo-D00-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Do * SE main theme song* " Hello, Yea.. Chee Hoe speaking, ohh ok, hah....fine" Guess wad....Karen said delay the time to 5.30a.m. ....
1st Step to School....
It was a silence, peaceful place.....I sit on the bench in the canteen, Nobody border me....I bring along with the laptop through the narrow corridor through the main hall to the toilets....Weird? Why I go to toilet first? This is what KCC need to do..=(.....The i saw flash everywhere * maybe is my imagination* then straight walk to somewhere bright....Then through the narrow corridor to the canteen..God bless....Karen here....
1st preparation for TH
Hmm...The whole school...except for those guard...there are only me and Karen...Xiao?1stly, we put our bags at the main hall...Then we go to library through the teacher stairs....We get some broom and dustpan there...And we go to main hall and canteen.....We clean this two place for good reputation from outsider or non-saujanians... This may be the last cleaning.....Then we see Liew Jiun and Kent Tan at the Canteen main entrance....They help us to clean that place....While I am cleaning the certain part of canteen, I saw a basketball bastard..LWH....Lazy to talk to him...
1st group arrival
The crew are getting more and more and more...Around 6.30 a.m. .....That is the time for a certain ppl arrival including me..i saw lots of AP....They are strong..They help us alot..Thkq yea...
I rmb i saw Shein Yik, " Nicky Gang", Tan Brother, Liew Jiun, and all the AP......We was like doing works...Nobody is chatting!
2nd group arrival
7.30 am....It's time for hav a brief meeting...All the Orgainizer is "busying" to do their stuff...And now is the time for the crew to get the tag.....
Receptionists start the table....
uhh....Nth to say about it actually..
But something crappy is we push our reception desk from one spot to another spot..for 5 times....lol..And the reason is......The sun follow us....X.x...
Nothing Special..>Keep working...
8.30.....9.30.....10.30....11.30...Phew....Our R1 gang nearly dead cause of "boringness".....It was sort of bored...We work work work....and WORK....In btw, Karen through the Walkie-Talkie...Ask someone to clean the popiah up...And as a KCC....I'm the one who clean it...Luckily i got Suchgood friend who teman me there-Sook Yii.....Then, me and SY ronda the school for rubbish.....And when we reach the Pondok Pengawas...There are a band who just finish their soundchecking..... And we saw Katherine..Then they said the band damn cute..I agree...and i said the drumer LOUDLY....He look us....We look at him....Uhh...Me and SY cabut and Katherine look at the other side...LoL....Then we go back to R1
The Tricky Karen...=(
It was 12.30.....The show or performance...Or a competition had start..All of us curi curi tengok....But at last also let Karen saw and we kena scolded by her...and she said 1.30 can go and watch.......1.00.....1.05....1.15....1.25....1.30...Yay.....All of us go and watch the show.....But when Karen saw us...She said....Go 1 by 1 la..Xiao ahh....Nobody take care of R1....Wad if there are ppl come in without ticket....Then I go back jaga loh....She din said that at the previous time...Haiz...Bu actuallly reasonable la............................................
Not only Tiringness.....but Boringness
ZzZ....OMG...Time flow "fast"....All of them was watchin the show..and I m the one that jaga the Reception desk....Sad....And Jacklyn pity me....she ask me go watch...She said she'll take care of it.....Ohh yea....My time and a finally.....Ohh god...Y am I so unlucky....I saw Karen again...xP...She ask me go to R1 to teman Jack..My chance to watch....T^T...I can only do wadever she said...... Boringness....come with me to hav a ride and like "Digi-Yellow-Man"-"I will folow you".......
Position announcement.....
Aiks...Finally I can go and take a look....It was nearly 5....I think.....I couldn't rmb who is the 2nd-runner up..But the 1st-runner up.....It's the cute-band...haha...called blackheart if din mistaken....And the Champion is A malay team with true power......power? I couldn't describe the work cause I'm too tired to think the word....In btw....I'm a little PKM cards collector....So i saw the Annabelle's stall hav those card in sale.....And I keep border her to ask whether it's turun harga ady!...Haha....But i still bought.......
No regret...This is my job.....
Everything ends here....it was 5.30-6 ady.....The AP, Karen, Me and a few of the AJK got to stay back.....We got to clean up the school.....The AP got to carry the chair up to somewhere.....Thkq yea....I rmb I'm the only 1 who clean the hall.....Ow...I hav backache....And then...those AP went back...left Me, Karen, and Beh...We clean up 3 Yakin.....And throw the rubbish.....And clean somewhere near the Koperasi...Teacher also went back.....Everything done....Me and the two chat on the basketball court...And Beh go back 1st....Then Karen, then me...But actually 3 of us is nearly same time ....
The Conclusion...
Ohh....I'm dam tired today...I hav no regret for coming early...or going back late....I'm happy anyway to see such good result even I'm not a important AJK.....Thkq yea Karen...
Posted by Calv at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Jul 24, 2009
F5, F3 n F2 left....
Phew..Wad a tiring day....But I pity Karen...She's more tired then me....
The last day preparation for Talent Hunt..It's coming..Therefore, I got to helps since recess till 6.20 pm...Yea..6.20 p.m. only I can go back....
I was like..starting...Helps Pn. Zetty and Karen to sell the TH tickets....Lelong Lelong....Then, i concertrate on toilet and hall cleaning......Wad to do..Thks to Karen who giv me the position as"Ketua Kebersihan".....ZzZ....I was like go to find the 1st clark....Then go to find Pn. Zetty...And Karen....Nex Principal....Then the 2nd clark..Then the cleaner and the 1st clrk..So u can see it's a big cycle map.....In the moment when I can't find principal.. I was helping Karen...emm...CL and SY..yea....Then...BlaBlaBla.....Ah..Then somethg crap happen...Principal ask me to find Pn.Lee and I thought she said Pn.Lee SY..wad the hack...I almost use 1 hours to find her..And Cik Lee tell me is another Pn.Lee...Grrrrr
Omg...It's 1pm...Me and Sy like doing labelling and ernie went back...TT...Ahh...2pm...SY went back too. At 1st, i oso plan to go back...But Karen said she's going back at 5.00 pm..Then i teman loh..since I was so nice..xD.....
Ahhh...Problem comes one by one.....1stly, Th had order two banner and there are only 1 Th receive...OMG...But Karen solve the problem.....And then, the invitation of a mister...I dunno la..i juz heard from Karen..But i dun think it was a big problem....2pm, 3pm, 4 pm, 5 pm....except for me n Karen, there are few more ppl,Who is Eugene, Andrew, Nicky and Katherine...Woots~ Not so boring.....
*Ringtone sound*...."Hello.....Ohh yea..." Karen answer her phone......."Huh..Ohh okay la!" Karen talk the last word....It was like...The ppl reach by 6.10pm...Ahhhyayayaya..All of us got wait for 1 more hour???????There are not relly much things happen...Till we took the booklet....And karen lost some thing...Ohh my..Seriously..Bless u, karen...
Sorry..That i can't describe well...I'm dam tired today...And i got to wake up at 4.15 am tomoro...*Yawn*..Enjoy urself tomorrow
Posted by Calv at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Jul 19, 2009
Carnival of CD...=P (18th July)
Wad's CD? CD=childish..Not the carnival childish, but the visitor childish which is Tim,Cn,Cl,Kdeng and me...Why we're childish....? If u're interested u cont to read this post ;)
Today i wake up at 10am..I on the laptop and I play DGNC for 1hour and 30minutes..It was so fun....Then, i make up my mind...That i decided to go to the carnival that held by SMKBBSP... and I called N&L phone for 6 times..And the six times only they answer ==
Yea..It's 12 noon....I reach there aredi...i sit there alone...And i saw Liew Jiun and his friend..Woots-
Ohh..THKS GOD..Luckily i only wait for few minutes then they reach..And i found out that CL got 50 ringgits coupon..And my mouth open Widely 'Q' .....By the way..They are Tim, N&L..KD havent reach yet...
Firstly..They go buy the milk shake..Everyone taste it except for me..They have to comment to the drink but i saw them pass the drink to each other by force...So, i stil dunno whether it's nice or not...
Then me and Tim go to find Coupon exchanging stall....We saw it....But not the coupon stall...It's a game....That u got go down from the Third Floor by using a rope..But i dunno wad name ==...
Then we go find N&L...Only we go buy coupon together....
Okay...Now we plan to go to ghost house..and CL saw musical chair notice...She was insane....CN saw the fish catching game...She was insane too...Then we go to the 1st floor...We saw Miki and Elise..Woots~..... Then..we saw lots of ppl lining up..and we canceled the plan...And we go b uy foos and drink...I bought a Fruity yogurt...=)
Then..we reach a game stall...And i figure out N&L is the most childish twins i had ever seen..The stall is "throw the table tennis ball into the egg tray"...OMG man..they spend 3 ringgit coupon there...><....But i oso got join la...xP
Then we go buy food again..And I remeber that I bought the chocofruit, ABC, coconut drink, fruit rojak....The food taste nice!....And we plan to play reality snake and ladder but no chance to play....So..we go play alot of crap games likerubbr band and the needle and etc...forgotten...And we're actually the last customer for lots of stall..and we get extra gift..even we lost...YaY!!
So..the day end here...With enjoying ls and happy 1..................
Posted by Calv at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Jul 13, 2009
I'm going to type a very nice posting...It's about the PARTY
12thJuly2009-Today is N&L b'day party.....Keegan fetch me there from my house..=D
4.30pm-Keegan reach my house
4.40pm-We reach N&L house..I saw BoonSing,AhDiong,ChiYan,DZhung,Terence,KahDeng....I couldn't rmb aredy...Sorry..But yea..I noe a new "friend" which is not relly close,It's only not stranger..SoonWei..If i din mistaken.....
5.10pm-This is the time to play
5.45pm-We play something like
6.30pm-HaHa....Do u thing i can say anything?=P
around 7.30-Ahh...I knew alot of friend noe..Hafiz,Kevin bla bla bla...*forgotten their name and maybe i spell this two guy name wrongly....*...Now,there lot of activity..Got band performance,Big2 gambling *Kiddy kind 1*,Twister n bla bla bla.....Me? Me, Terence, joel playing mahjong and Joel is newbie..Terence teach us alot....Terence is "Dou Shan"*canto*
8.30pm-OMG man....It was like...It was like....DZ,BS,Romeo and bla *3 act like girl and have their fashion show...HaHa..They look pretty than lots of attended gurl..xP
9.00pm-Walao....Me,Tupai,SY and Ying discovered that CN,SW n BS play wif the CCTV...Me, Ying n Tupai turut-serta...We look at the screen and call CTMK...We look like blackmail her...This is wad we said:"I know your name is cheryl....Dun try to call police...." And we said her location,like this:"U're now beside the door...At the back of you is Christopher and U juz pass by Keegan..." Dam crappy? But it's Fun....Evil? But it's Fun..Muahaha....Then, mostly all of us enjoy N&L parent's massage chair..Syiok.....
around 9.30pm-Wad i rmb is..Me and Kevin sit n press on Matt hand n leg..Then Sab put the Mice on his head...This is wad Matt said :"Ahh...Mommy...No...I swear I'll do it better...No" HaHa...N the mice almost poop on his head...HaHa
10.00pm-We eat supper n chat together..Alot of ppl went back.....include my sei dong-Keegan....
10.45pm-I oso go back..In the same time wif BS nSW
Was it fun?Actually this post not as fun as that..But...I can't describe well....
ok..the post end here....HaHa
Ohh..yea...CCL forgive me..Hooray
Posted by Calv at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Jul 12, 2009
Empty Post
This post is for 11th July 2009
Today hav nth to say except for a word...Bored
Aiks..That's all ZZ
Posted by Calv at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Jul 10, 2009
Bus No.30......
Ok, today i want to share a story to u guy....
I'm almost late today...I woke up at 6.30.....For me is very late........
Almost nth happen today..N my BI was 65,Geo 60, Chinese 68....Cik Lim said this :"If u got pass up your homework....Then i'll add up 7 m for you".....So, I still got hope=)
Oh yea...Around recess time...Somebody told me that RBB fall down n the buttock go down 1st...LoL
Here are the story:
One day, Wen Han had ride a bus which is drive by Pn. Sufiza, and the bus number is No.30, When he reach his house, Hujan Kilat is formed, And very unlucky, the kilat had break Wen Han's money plant....Awan Mendung then form.....
Translation Guide:
Bus No.30 which is drive by Pn.Sufiza-The BI exam paper which is only 30 marks
Hujan Kilat-Keadaan emak Wen Han
Money Plant-Allowance
Awan Mendung-Keadaan Wen Han selepas Money Plant telah dipetir
HaHa..Story Ends =D
Posted by Calv at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Jul 9, 2009
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I used to be scream as loud as i can in my mind...Because IHGCFMS.....=(
Which is mean "I had get C for my science" =(...I knew i can't get A...But i thought i can get B *at least*...............AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Today....CN had tell everyone about the dress code..It was Purple N Red -__-.....But she told yesterday night >< Thn, When assembly....Our RBB principal had introduce more information about the Influenza A-Flu...H1N1....She say about all those how to avoid and those helpful hotline... All the way...Nth happen..... The Last period of my class timetable..My nightmare-IHGCFMS It's science....I was like wad i state...feel like screaming n shouting...But i swear to miss Vimali..I'll get A for my sci....U all be a prove....If not..I tiok ...... *.* Thn..After School...I chat with DZ for awhile...And i go back to hse.... i know that today my blog are so boring...I'm so sorry...No mood CL-Sry....Can u pls don't angry me......TT.....Do u noe ur eye are so scary N cause me don't dare to talk to you..I want to borrow a part o my blog to say sorry to you...Until u forgive me....
Posted by Calv at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Jul 7, 2009
A word to say 7-7-2009
Today exam is not as hard as i imagined....
Chinese comes first-For me, It was very easy...N i think i can score A'....And actually when i receive the paper..I was like thinking " Jabatan set wrong question??"
After the chinese test....It was only 10 minutes to do preparation..=(..N wad come nex..Geography....X.X.... But it was okay la...I think i wont fail...=)
There nth happen in the recess period....Ohh ye..I was scolded by Fan Wai Chun that time becoz of sitting witf Keegan X( .....I had my experience n I won't sit with Keegan.....
After recess...The horrible comes....Bm2........When i receive the paper...i do Novel 1st , then Proper Letter, Thirdly the Summary...And lastly...It make me headache even it's a very easy topic "Kesan Pencemeran Sungai"......I was like no mood on the paper..I juz haiz............
After school....I was very happy by dunno wad reason X)...... But meanwhile....I had argue with CL and CN becoz of certain stuff.....=====((((((((
After that, I had a meeting...And Wee Jien, Liew Jiun, Kuan Yew, Chow Hwee and Fong Yik had cheer me up *thks T^T*.....
After the meeting...All thigns that happens is remeh-temeh 1...like Sook Yii hide Tupai's bag becoz he dun want to giv SY momo...I thrown Zhen Meng bag and he chase me n bla bla bla
So..here's today blog main theme....A word to say
To my Dear CL & CN = I'm so sry that i had an unreasonable argue with you....I understand you all....I know that i shldn't talk so much about that stuff...since u invite me then i go la....Why shld i care who you invite since that is your party......I hope that we are not goin to hav arguement anymore for this party...I noe it's NOT mine.....Soooooo Sorry
While I'm thinking my mistake...Time pass very fast...Time is gold...So...Don't waste your time....
Posted by Calv at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Jul 6, 2009
Bad day.....
CN CL.....Happy Birthday...Wish you two die faster..."Fai Si Ngan Yuin" *cantonese*
Ok la.....Seriously....All the best =)Okay....I think i can't score A in Sci....I feel dam upset....And i keep remind myself a song...Bad Day.......Ahh Sci...Hopefully that i can score B =(......
Talk about the March again.....Today, in our assembly...Pn Ng had report to us that the Ko2 day march event is cancelled.....Sad........I WANT TO MARCH....
Ohh...Today i went to the stage and take a 1st place prize...=)........
But is help principal to take thenpass it to principal, then pass it to the winner....=(....The feeling like...I want to EAT...=3.....
Sad n Bad day end like this...No mood ady....Sry....X.X
Posted by Calv at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Jul 4, 2009
Calv-Story cutscene...Let it be peace...
I know everything are too late...but i juz wanna to wish Mr Michael Jackson....Rest In Peace
I think i dun nid to explain how Mr.MJ past away.....it's because of cardiac arrest...1st i heard is actually from my friend...and i thought he was joking to me....N when i check newspaper,I found out that's the true.....
The Blessing Angel Biography
Birth name | Michael Joseph Jackson | ||
Born | August 29, 1958(1958-08-29) Gary, Indiana, United States | ||
Died | June 25, 2009 (aged 50) Holmby Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States | ||
Genre(s) | Pop, R&B, rock, soul | ||
Occupation(s) | Singer-songwriter, record producer, musical arranger, dancer, choreographer, actor, author, businessman, financier, philanthropist, inventor | ||
Instrument(s) | Vocals | ||
Years active | 1964–2009 | ||
Label(s) | Motown, Epic | ||
Associated acts | The Jackson 5/The Jacksons | ||
Website | MichaelJackson.com |
Well...I hope everyone can let him go with peace.....
My speech to BA 'No matter what happen, I'm on your side; No matter how are you, You still the best; No matter where you are, Rmb to continue to POP.....
You're the KING OF POP...RMB.....
Posted by Calv at 9:19 PM 0 comments
The Weeks.....Second blog creation=)
Hmmm....so this is my second blog......Hope u guy like it.....
The weeks yea....alot of special stuff happen~
23Jun- My Bm teacher go for sumthing *khusus*.....She's not in class..My class was ruined....
24June- School Time-Same here...Bm teacher go for sumthing *khusus*.....She's not in class..But the weird one is my class are very quiet and disciplin in that whole period..
After School-Haha....I heard that Boon Sing n Tuck Fai spent around Rm6+ to SMKBJ to find his fren...But his fren FFG...Hahhah * it used to be their fren bday*.....Then....Me,Lie,Nie,Keegan n Wen Han having a Treasure Hunt contest...It was fun..N i found out my I'm hyperactive in that moment.......LoL...The "kffg2" oso help us...HaHa....N CN said belanja makan Syabu-Syabu.....
25June-Day i play Sudoku......Yea rite...In cantonese, sudoku is "Shu-Do-Zheng-Fan-Tiu-Dai-Fu"...Which is meant>lose till pants off.....Haiz..I'm confident actually..but too bad i sit together with 1 of my noisiest fren..He keep talking n i was like annoyed..So....Aiks...Sad
26June- Ntg special.....
27thJune- The Larian Saujana....Which is the 4.5 km marathon that held by SMKSS around SP,OUG,HG and I'm 1 of the 1st aider.....That day dam boring...It was like all runner are healthy n they all aware to when they are running..There are only 10- ppl injured and faint....ZzZ....And i can rmb that Yvonne fetch Karen to "Long Kai".....Ohh....The checkpoint i ready is c7...I'm with (1st aider)cheng mun, chengmun's bro....which i seldom talk to him...But yeah..I talk to him Hi and Bye that day...+0..Okay..cont, ("guarder")Kee Shin,Meng Leong..And teachers are Pn Chew CW,Cik Choong CH, and my BI teacher,Pn Sufiza........And we hav free food after the 1st aider...actually every1 oso got...It was...It was..It was a curry puff n a muffin with assorted flavour...Is that surprising.....HaHa...*I know it's lame, But pls say it's surprising*.......Then, i play with chun yuen with using water.....And i accidentally pour water on Kah deng's beg...He screw me up.....T^T......Ohh yea..that day...there are another person want to f**k me up...That's Yvonne....What's the reason?? Coz i reading a magazine...And i saw 1 TS picture..It's like not so nice......And it was like this
Cheehoe:Haiz..Taylor Swift it's like....
Yvonne:It's like wad .... *stare at me*
Cheehoe:She got 1 picture...like not so nice *dont dare to look at her eyes*
Yvonne: Beautiful ppl take wat photo oso looks Beautiful......*smile back*
Rite...Then the days end with boringness and "tiringness".......................
28thJune-A sleepy day...So bored......Nth special
29June-What an excited day was it..My class is facing injection for prevent some disease which is the 1 that i had forgotten...--...There are 2 person cried..Haha...But i m not goin to tell who was them...Myself?It was like a bit of scared, a bit of frighten....But when everything ends....It was like...tak de apa-apa feeling pun...So....that days end wif injection..
30June- Omg..Keegan's n Weng Jun's Looks like pig hands...I bet they use soap n eat egg yesterday..... N I'm rite...LoL......Mine? It start to hav the "paralyzing" feeling....That's all for today...
1July-Ouch..The effect are here....And maududi was using his 100% strength to hit my arms...My God...I almost faint.......Phew....Oh..by the way...I receive a msg....Congrates Karen....U're one of them to go for NS...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2July-Effect gone off,Pain oso gone....Nth special to say.....
3July- HaHa....The bicara akamedic.....which is the worst day for students.......This day cause fast heartbeat.....My dad reach school around 10.00 am....N teacher told him..I m talkative n playful...But still a good boy..HaHas~....I went home around 1 pm cause i got to help teacher to settle those stuff.....T^T..but it's ok la......N the day in my hse is Matahari Cerah...Not Hujan Kilat or Awan Mendung...=)...Ohhh..after that....Jocelyn, my friend sang a song to me n my friend....Teardrops on my guitar....Fantastic voice.....Nice song....Jocelyn rawks,Teardrops on my guitar rawks,Taylor Swift....U RAWKS......
4July-Karen transfer Pn. Ong's msg to us....She said be4 hari koko is hari ramadhan.....Those march one not need to march ady...Dunno y.....Normally,I feel like dun want to go for those training....N now i feel like shouting...I WANT TO MARCH....By the way...Pn Chairul teach us how to cure or maybe help those injured person.....
The post end her..i will continue posting..If any mistake here...Pls forgive me....Thks
Posted by Calv at 12:08 PM 0 comments